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We asked and you generously delivered. Thank you.

**Originally Posted Thursday, 16 January 2020As an appreciation of your generosity and thoughtfulness, we want to take a moment to thank you!Your charitable donation to Folsom Police Officers' Association means that we can continue to positively impact our community and support its local causes. This is what paying it forward is all about. By giving back in 2019 you’ve now shown others that you care about the future of our neighborhood.Your generosity shows that you care about our local youth and police officers. That you strive to work together alongside us in caring for the well being of this community and...

How To Keep Our Community Safe From The Coronavirus

**Originally Posted Tuesday, 31 March 2020Here are some preventative methods and information via the World Health Organization that can help keep our community informed and safe while we all face new challenges during the current Coronavirus outbreak.

Help Share these tips with our community so that we can all help #FlattenTheCurve! 


A Message of Unity from Your FPOA

**Originally Posted Monday, 01 June 2020Dear Valued Citizens and Businesses of Folsom,It goes without saying that we are experiencing turbulent times to say the least. The events that have been unfolding recently are the types of events that future generations will read about in history books.We understand that some of you may be experiencing feelings of anger and fear. We also understand that there are probably few words that can be said right now to mitigate those feelings.However, with that being said, please know that the actions of a few do not reflect the thoughts and feelings of the majority. As...

2020 FPOA Endorsements for City Council

The Folsom Police Officers Association (FPOA) is proud to be endorsing Rosario Rodriguez and Mark Moore for 2020 Folsom City Council. Ranked the 8th safest City in California in 2019, the men and women of the FPOA prides themselves on this achievement as we strive, year-after-year, to make the great City of Folsom the best place to live and raise a family. We believe Mrs. Rodriguez and Mr. Moore align with our vision for keeping the safety of our City a top priority, while maintaining the high level of service we are proud to provide. This is a result of...

Folsom POA Scholarships now being accepted -

We're excited to assist three qualified students by offering a scholarship towards their college or trade school expenses!Follow the instructions via this flyer and visit the link below to fill out the form to submit.Sign Up Today: look forward to seeing your application and please share this post to reach as many young adults as we can.